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The Old Catholic Communion


We rejoice at the announcement that the Catholic Diocese of MId-America has been received into full communion with the Old Catholic Communion in the United States. We believe this jurisdiction is a perfect fit for us and our diocese. There are many wonderful gifts that Old Catholicism gives us. It is a wonderful way of being Catholic! Some people may hear the title "Old Catholic" and think that means we worship using the Tridentine rite or some other ancient liturgy. Old Catholic refers to our ecclesiology - the way we are structured, the way we relate to other catholics, our polity and how we are governed, and our theology. We look to the early church (before Rome claimed universal jurisdiction) for our guidance. We adhere to the faith of the Apostles. At the same time, we seek to live out that faith in a modern context and thus, taking our cues from the early church are progressive in welcoming others.

If you are looking for a way to honor your catholic faith in a way that is free from heavy rules, regulations and exclusions, consider All Saints and the Old Catholic Communion.

Image of the Old Catholic Communion
The Old Catholic Communion

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