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Fr. Dewayne

This news is from the Old Catholic Church - the church through which we have apostolic succession.

PUBLISHED ON OCTOBER 23, 2020The consecration of the elected Old Catholic Archbishop of Utrecht, Bernd Wallet, has been postponed aga

in. The Metropolitan Chapter of Utrecht decided that last week. The consecration was to take place on the feast day of Willibrord, November 7, in the St. Lebuinuskerk in Deventer, and has now been adjourned until further notice.

“It's a shame, but the current circumstances are standing in the way of the celebration. Reducing the ordination to a formal act in a small circle is not in line with our idea of ​​being a church together, ”says Wallet.

Today he announces his weapon spell [coat of arms]. This is unusual, because normally this presentation takes place during the dedication celebration. Although it is still out for a while, Bishop Bernd has been shepherd and governor of the diocese since the day of his election. He has chosen 'In Christo Gaudium' as the motto for his work. The Archbishop: “In all that we experience, I would like to awaken the longing for the joy we have in Christ. It is the joy of Easter that carries us so that we can endure even in a time of crisis. For me, that trust is also in the Zeeland motto: Luctor et emergo, I struggle and come up.

“In the coming years I would like to commit myself to deepening our relationship. We need each other, especially after Brexit. Their presence at my consecration, when travel restrictions are out of the way, will also be important. Hopefully we can take further steps with them and other partners in our common mission in Europe. ”

Major celebrations have recently been the subject of much debate. “In the consultations between the churches and governments it is about this, but central to this are the social consequences of the corona measures, such as growing loneliness and deterioration of mental health. We are grateful that we can continue celebrating on a small scale and be there for those who need us, ”said the Archbishop. “And if we can get together again safely for a celebration in a slightly larger circle, then there are excellent plans for the consecration. The third attempt should succeed! ”

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